After finishing my previous blog with a book, Fahrenheit 451, I decided to read Animal Farm.

Sunday 27 May 2007

Entry 7: Settings
* are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be beautiful? or disturbing? or memorable? describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you.

I believe that everyone who read the book, Animal Farm, will pick the Farm as the most memorable setting. The reason is because everything happened in this place and it was really the only setting that showed in the book. From where the owner mistreated the animals, till where the animals were destructing themselves happened in this small community. The victory of Mr. Jones was the beginning of changes. Secondly, Napoleon came along and started to rule of the farm. Many animals were dying innocently by being against the government or being faithful. Snowball, who is the true opinion in my point of view, stood up but was banished. The completion of the windmill and the suffering that the animals had to go through happened in that small community of the farm. If we compare this community to the world, I believe that where is no difference. Rebellions and revolution happens, leaders kill innocent people for their own power, and destruct the world by developing the cities. If we compare the world and the community from the novel, it can come down to a conclusion that we are all animals. Animals who are so greedy, self-centered and egotistic. Even this whole world is not running by a communist country, we are living in a biased world. We are living in a corrupted world where the leaders, who are supposed to be depended and responsible, are destructing the place where we are living in.

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